Categoría: Ethics

Justice by Pieter Bruegel the Elder

S1E6 – A: The ethical dance: action-reaction – group reaction.

To better utilize the DREMSI method, it is essential to visualize how does it applies after someone «broke expectations». In this episode we explore the cycle of Ethics, addressing the many feedback loops in the process of formalizing social expectations.

S1E5 – A: The DREMSI Method, taking-decisions

In this section we introduce the decision making logic used in the DREMSI theory; to provide the right context we review the most common judgment logics in the world of Ethics.

The Wedding Dance by Pieter Bruegel the Elder.

S1E4 – B: The DREMSI Method, estimating injuries

One of the most critical sections of the whole thesis, is what do we understand as an Injury and how do we estimate the intensities. In this part of the DREMSI methodology we deep dive into Injuries so that we can make better judgment of the dilemmas.

The Fight Between Carnival and Lent by Pieter Bruegel the Elder

S1E3 – D: Exploration of Roles in Relational Spaces

In the last section of this episode we go deeper on the nature of Roles, highlighting the commonality across relational spaces and why this becomes a problem for the individual that is constantly challenged to switch roles.

The Fight Between Carnival and Lent by Pieter Bruegel the Elder

S1E3 – C: Complexity and Roleplaying Injuries.

Using the previous explorations on the nature of complexity and relational dynamics, let us use the key concepts and visualize how does this influence our understanding of injuries within a relational space.

The Fight Between Carnival and Lent by Pieter Bruegel the Elder

S1E3 – B: Power dynamics within Relational Spaces.

Time to explore the undeniable power dynamics that exist within all relational spaces. This episode bring the theory closer to important ethical concepts such as dignity and power. A must have stop in our journey towards building a robust ethical framework.

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