Autor: Jaime Lugo

The Fight Between Carnival and Lent by Pieter Bruegel the Elder

S1E3 – A: Diving into the complexity of Society

In an effort to analyze real-life dilemmas, we take a closer look at what it means to see society as a Complex Adaptive System, introducing major concepts such as Relational Space, Stakeholders and Roles.

Children's Games by Pieter Bruegel the Elder

S1E2-C : Implications of using DREMSI.

Having had a sip at the DREMSI bottle in the previous section, I want to address some difficult to accept aspects of it. Since the aim is to change the application of ethics, it requires necessary compromises that might be too uncomfortable for some.

Children's Games by Pieter Bruegel the Elder

S1E2-B: Solving the Ethical Riddle

After so much theory, it has come time to see how the DREMSI methodology handles the Ethical riddle, the famous trolley dilemmas.

Children's Games by Pieter Bruegel the Elder

S1E2-A:  Classical Ethical Dilemmas

A brief explanation of what are classical ethical dilemmas and which ones will be used to display how to use the DREMSI Methodology.

The Tower of Babel by Pieter Bruegel the Elder.

S1E1-E: DREMSI theory in a nutshell

With the definition of ethics in place, it becomes critical to clarify what is the essence of the definition, what makes it sharp!! and subsequentely what is not included in the concept.

The Fall of the Rebel Angels by Pieter Bruegel the Elder

S1E1-D: Sharpening the Ethical sword

With the definition of ethics in place, it becomes critical to clarify what is the essence of the definition, what makes it sharp!! and subsequentely what is not included in the concept.

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